The Wakened

General discussions about shards
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Joined: Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:34 pm

The Wakened

Post by wakeneduo »

Shard Address: port 2593
Era: Mondain's Legacy
Number of accounts per household: 4 (exceptions can be made for families that play).

The Wakened is a fairly new Ultima Online, Mondain's Legacy based, free shard, based on the original "Ultima Online" as created by Origin Systems / EA Games. We are not affiliated with either corporation, and we do not charge to play here.

While most free shards tend to go one of two routes, either purist or completely custom, we believe that the better road would be in the middle. We are combining inventive, creative content of our own with the original quaint feel of Ultima Online as it was intended to be, and not tampering with the balance that OSI have spent 16 years trying to achieve. We will be adding custom features and dungeons to keep things interesting. However, we will not customize spells, weapons, armor, or combat calculations, rankings ,and ratings or stat/skill caps. The idea is to create a more interesting shard while maintaining game balance.

Wakened staff are here to help, and will not be disrespectful, interventionist, or prejudicial in any way. We enjoy what we are doing, and we intend to still be doing it years from now. The owners have tackled other large projects in the past, including two programming communities, a mid-large sized IRC network that is now 10 years old, and 5 years on one of the largest UO Free shards in the world. Our combined experience with Linux and Windows administration, development and security is 30 years. Our hardware and internet infrastructure is well established, and has been operational for 10+ years. The bottom line is:

While other shards come and go, we are going nowhere; we will be here for a long time to come.

The Wakened shard is hosted on a dedicated server in the United States, with a 100mbit unmetered connection to the internet, and outstanding reliability and stability. The world data, account databases, and everything else that can not be replaced, is backed up on a daily basis over multiple servers in multiple locations.

In the interest of integrity, we do not provide any fake, tampered or misrepresented information or data.

All are welcomed here, this shard is open to all, regardless of where you are from, or where else you play. We hope you enjoy your stay.

When creating a new account you will be presented with 1 skillball that sets 7 x 100 skills, a statball to set your strength, dexterity and intelligence and 10,000 gold, per account. This is to help you get started on our shard.

Archived topic from UOG, old topic ID:60, old post ID:151 port 2593